book excerpt

I fell in love with the network marketing industry and saw how this business model can change lives. I saw people use leverage and create incomes they had never seen before. It was revolutionary! But as time went on, I saw things that bothered me to my core.
I felt the pain when I saw friends in the industry who were mismanaging their newfound money. I saw them blowing money like there was some guarantee that their income would always grow and flow forever. New cars, new homes, new clothes, wristwatches, first class flying, fancy vacations, and all types of other splurges became their world.
But this wild horse nature of unbridled spending behavior almost always caught up to them. Their spending continued to outpace their earnings and, though they had money, they were just broke at a higher level. Or something would happen beyond their control and they were caught unprepared. Perhaps the company they were building in had problems, or some team members left and they lost sales volume, or the economy had taken a bad turn. The next thing you know, their income is cut in half. They were losing their cars and homes. They were behind on paying taxes. In effect, their lives were flipped upside down.
Why did this happen? In a word (or two): Wrong mindset. This scenario is indicative of what happens when people find a way to make money, but they don’t have the right mindset or plan to deal with the money they are making. I feel the joy deep in- side of me when I see a network marketer achieving success, as that huge smile goes across their face from ear to ear. I love knowing that their financial stress is being relieved, and that they are living a richer life than they ever knew before. But on the flip side, when things turn, I feel the pain inside knowing how this shocking surprise rocks their world.
This is why I had to write this book.
My first book, Making My First Ten Million, was written to help attract people into the business. My second book, Building an Empire, was written to teach how to actually build the business from scratch to significant income in network marketing. And I am excited that those two books have been wildly successful in accomplishing those two goals. But now that we have so many people making incredible incomes, I feel an obligation to talk about how to be smart with your money.
Now there may be critics who might knock this book for not being a detailed 300-page tome on stock investing, or a thorough treatise on tax accounting for home-based business owners. But please hear me, that is not what this book is about. This book is about mindset. It is about thinking differently regard- ing money and wealth, so that you will have an inflamed desire to pursue further knowledge on all such subjects. I can tell you that what I write about here is exactly what has served me in my life very, very well. While I am not a CPA, certified financial planner, or even an expert stock investor, the principles you are about to absorb have created a level of wealth that provides a great level of financial peace and security in my life.
Let’s begin the conversation assuming that many readers are currently in debt, and just beginning to figure out a plan to gain financial independence. Of course, I expect that some readers might already have a great plan and are further along in their quest to build wealth. Frankly, since a wise person is never done learning, maybe some readers are further along than I am. But in any case, if you are reading this, it means you want to do better. You want every advantage you can stack in your favor.
To Order Money Mindset!